Water Slide Installation Schemes
The water slide can be installed either on a support tower, or on any shoreline structure (pier, sun deck, etc.) It is also possible to have a combined option where the shore structure reduces the required height of the support tower, thereby reducing its cost.

H - tower support height;
H1 - height of the launch pad relative to the lowest point of the chute;
H2 - starting height relative to the lowest point of the chute;
L - the distance from the lower edge of the chute to the support tower;
h - the height of the platform for the installation of the support tower relative to the water level.

According to the safety conditions, the depth of the water near the edge of the chute must be at least 1 m, the bottom must be flat, without sharp protrusions, stones, boulders, debris and other dangerous objects.

Based on the safety conditions and the value of L (indicated in the technical specifications), the installation of the support tower is determined.

The required tower height is defined as H=H1–h.

When using the slide together with an inflatable pool, the slide must be installed on a horizontal platform. In this case H=H1.

The overall size of the platform along the length is defined as L+Lбас+Lвышки, the width is specified in the technical specifications.